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[Bug?] Answer is Shown in Some Quizzes


Apparently, in some cases, trainees can know the answer of quizzes at end of chapters by just selecting an item.

I don't know this is bug or not. but anyway I share here.



  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @m.taniguchi,

    Thank you for flagging this unexpected behavior.

    Would you be able to provide the chapter and question number so we can try and reproduce this on our end?


  • m.taniguchi
    m.taniguchi Posts: 24

    Hi, @chrispokorni .

    Would you be able to provide the chapter and question number so we can try and reproduce this on our end?

    Sure. I've seen this behavior in Chap9 and 10 and somewhere else (I forgot where was..sorry).
    Not only this course, but also I experienced this (or similar) phenomenon other LF training Courses.


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @m.taniguchi,

    Thanks for pointing out the chapters.

    Upon investigation, it seems that the behavior is only observed on the True/False questions. Once an answer is selected by the learner, it is immediately marked by a green or red frame which represents a feedback for a correct or incorrect selection. It does not seem to reveal the correct answer prior to making the selection, and it cannot be changed once the selection has been made.

    Other types of questions do not seem to display this behavior, and the complete feedback can be seen once the Review All Question Results option is selected upon completing the entire set of questions for the chapter.

    It is an inconsistent behavior indeed, and thanks again for flagging it. However, it does not help a learner in making a selection, it is only an immediate feedback for the selection made. We will, however, take a look at the platform options to see whether we can fix the inconsistent behavior.



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