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lab 19.2 setting up /etc/fstab to interact with quotas

The instruction is to set up

/etc/fstab, as in:

/dev/sda5 /home ext4 defaults,usrquota 1 2

However there is no direct way to make it; since my /etc/fstab file is completely different;
I would have to make a new partition out of the existing one and then mount the file system in to it. There is no instruction for that ( there is to create a new partition assuming you have disc space, but not to resize one to have a new one ) and the, once that is done, I would have to have the correct set up described.

Can anyone here walk me through this so I can start using and understanding quotas?


  • coop
    coop Posts: 915

    You do not need to make a new partition; you can just use the partition you already have. Depending on your distribution it is true you may not have something as simple as /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab. For example, the partition can be specified by UUID as in:
    UUID=7f7806b8-60c6-40a9-b643-....... / ext4 defaults 1 1
    or by LABEL as in
    LABEL=TMP /tmp ext4 defaults 1 2

    Most distributions always use UUID today for good reason as /dev/sda vs /dev/sdb may not be always the same depending on how the system boots etc, but the UUID is unique.

    Note that in the instructor-led version of this course, at the beginning of this chapter there is the following statement:

    The use of disk quotas is no longer popular in enterprise data centers, which is why this section is marked as optional!

    This does not seem to have percolated into LFS201, however. Please note that in the next edition of this course we plan on eliminating this section as it is rather complicated but probably not needed by students in this course.

  • understood coop; Thank you for your support!

  • I reused a partition that was created in an earlier chapter. Made a new virtual disk, attached to the VM, made a partition, created a filesystem (ext4) and mounted it in fstab.


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