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PSI exam plugin not starting / invalid in Chrome

Hi LF Team,

Unfortunately I had great difficulties today trying to start my exam (scheduled at 4pm CET today). I've got the latest Chrome and also completed the tech check on the Exam Preparation Checklist. Still the newly introducd PSI "secure exam" chrome plugin is unable to run.

I've got the latest chrome, all other plugins were disabled except for PSI, yet nothing would happen when clicking on the Launch exam button. I even force-started this plugin, despite having an invalid plugin manifest, according to Chrome.

I could see that many other participants had similar problems, I even called the customer service and replied to their email. Please let me know what measures I can take to make the exam plugin work. I've spent more than an hour trying to make it run somehow, but no luck so far.


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    Hi @nagysandor

    We are sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing. Please open a ticket with the Linux Foundation Customer Support team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org and they will assist with rescheduling the exam and overcoming the issues encountered today. Due to an increased volume of tickets, our Customer Support Team may take longer than usual to respond. Thank you for your patience while they work to assist all students.

    Kind regards,
    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • Hi @fcioanca ,
    Thanks for your response. Can you please give an estimation when we can expect this problem be fixed, or at least checked in detail? There are several colleagues of mine enrolled on this same CKAD course and preparing for the exam.
    Regards, Sandor

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    Hi Sandor,

    I cannot provide such an estimate, as I am not involved on the Certification side. The Customer Support team will be able to assist and provide updates and advice on how to go forward.



    The Linux Foundation Training Team


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