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Multibranch not working

I am running into an interesting issue. When creating a multibranch project for Instavote I am running into this issue. Checking branches...

Getting remote branches...
Checking branch main

Getting remote pull requests...
ERROR: [Thu May 12 02:42:56 UTC 2022] Could not fetch branches from source c65cf42f-0d17-4a9c-8e35-153d001fba43
[Thu May 12 02:42:56 UTC 2022] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 0.42 sec
FATAL: Failed to recompute children of Instavote » Instavote worker
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type [Lorg.kohsuke.github.GHContent; from Object value (token JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
at [Source: (String)"{"name":"Jenkinsfile","path":"worker/Jenkinsfile","sha":"9c807dfcdd79d714bdcf876d098e35fe00776516","size":717,"url":"https://api.github.com/repos/jhash1/vote1/contents/worker/Jenkinsfile?ref=refs/heads/main","html_url":"https://github.com/jhash1/vote1/blob/refs/heads/main/worker/Jenkinsfile","git_url":"https://api.github.com/repos/jhash1/vote1/git/blobs/9c807dfcdd79d714bdcf876d098e35fe00776516","download_url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jhash1/vote1/refs/heads/main/worker/Jenkinsfile","ty"[truncated 1324 chars]; line: 1, column: 1]

I think the issue is due to the file not being able to find the branches but I am unsure.
I was able to validate connecting to github successfully. Jenkinsfile is in the worker/jenkinsfile path.


  • Posts: 1,265

    We worked this issue on the Office Hours today:

    1.- "Could not fetch branches from source" may mean that the source is incorrect in the pipeline, but it seems not to be the case. It also can be a connection issue with the repo.
    2.- During the session, there was a problem with accessing the Jenkins server, so it may be a network issue to access it.
    3.- It seems some elements were moved from the local directory (that holds the Jenkinsfile), so in that case something will be broken for sure.
    4.- Jhon will try again with a fresh installation and update this post later.



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