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How to get purchase invoice for CKA exam?

shubhamrasal Posts: 1
edited April 2022 in LFS258 Class Forum

I want to submit reimbursement for CKA exam, for that I need to submit purchase invoice of buying CKA exam. How will I get that?

Best Answer


  • Hi @shubhamrasal , did you receive response from support after raising request with support team?.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Hi @gauravpsharma

    All tickets are resolved in the order they are received, one by one. If you have any questions to direct to the Customer Support team please do so directly with them. The forum should only be used for course content related questions.

    Thank you,


  • Can you provide the customer support number ..I raised the ticket no response about the tax invoice

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Hi @santhoshkumar8888

    Response time can take several business days (no weekends or holidays), as tickets are addressed in the order they are received. The Support team can only be reached via Jira tickets, there is no phone number available.



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