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Do i need aarna.pem file for the lab Exercise 4.1: Deploying OpenStack for ONAP

in the lab instruction
5. Start the Openstack All In One deployment using the following steps. Run these instructions on the OpenStack VM.

it is described as follows

Step-3: Open terminal on your laptop/workstation and try to connect with aarna.pem private key file.
ssh -i

i do not have that pem aarna.pem file.
How should i proceed with that issue?

Best regards


  • raghuramg
    raghuramg Posts: 73

    Hi @frankki,
    The link to download the aarna.pemm is in the lab guide. Please search aarna.pem in the guide you will find a link to download.

    Download aarna.pem
    Download aarna.ppk

  • frankki
    frankki Posts: 2

    do not find any links for aarna.pem in the pdf. The following has no link to follow !

    What we are going to do
    Download aarna.pem and aarna.ppk .
    chmod 400 aarna.pem
    chmod 400 aarna.ppk
    ssh -i aarna.pem aarna@

    Will be provided during the class

  • raghuramg
    raghuramg Posts: 73

    Hi @frankki.
    I have sent you the link in a message to download the key.
    We have new instructions to install OpenStack as the current was broken due to CentOS expiry.
    Please give me some time and I will share the new instructions.

  • raghuramg
    raghuramg Posts: 73

    Hi @frankki,
    The new GCP Ubuntu OpenStack Image.

    Here are the steps to install with a new image.
    # Launch an instance to deploy OpenStack
    gcloud compute instances create openstack-01 --zone us-central1-f --custom-cpu 32 --custom-memory 72GB --min-cpu-platform "Intel Haswell" --image "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/onap-177920/global/images/aarna-aio-openstack-victoria-ubuntu-20-16032022-00"

    #If you see this error for utility container. Please ignore.
    aio1_utility_container-35e97cfd : ok=57 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=26 rescued=0 ignored=0

    # Replace the following attached scripts in path ~/onap-custom/setup-utils
    Extract the attached scripts.zip to get the updated files.

    Follow the remaining steps as per the lab document to install OpenStack.

    Find the ip address of your eth0 interface

    ip addr show ens4


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