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5.2 Deployment Configuration NFS Server creation issue

Executing bash $HOME/CreateNFS.sh on master node gives below message. Looks like NFS server creation has issue.
exportfs: *:/opt/sfw

Should be ready. Test here and second node

clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered

On the worker node - showmount -e cp doesnt show the mount location

student@worker:~$ sudo showmount -e cp
clnt_create: RPC: Unknown host

Has anyone faced this issue ?

However creating pv, pvc and using it from pod results are similar to the one given in the lab exercise? How to test if the mounted file is being accessible to the pod ?


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,388

    Hi @kalpanaseelam,

    Revisiting the steps where the control-plane hostname is recommended to be used, such as steps 4, 5, and 7, and ensuring the hostname is correctly provided, may help to resolve these issues.



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