Unable to install openstack
Hi @michaober,
FYI. Currently, ONAP Lab is currently broken due to certificate expiry in ONAP Guilin (Current LAB is based on Guilin).
We are in the process of upgrading ONAP Labs from Guilin to Istnabul.0 -
Here are the steps to install OpenStack.
No, those instructions are incomplete. If I log in using
gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-f" "openstack-01"
, there is no "onap-custom" directory.0 -
Hi @michaober,
The folder is in the aarna user home directory.
# sudo su aarna
# cd
# ls
You will find the folder.0 -
I cannot run
sudo bash -x aio-ubuntu-gcp-deploy.sh 2
because it requires to enter the password for user "aarna"0 -
Hi @michaober,
Please share your VM IP.0 -
Please provide accurate and complete instructions.
0 -
Those are the accurate instructions and tested. It is working fine for us and for other LFN users.
Another option is to login directly to aarna login using aarna private key. If you don't have a key I can share.
0 -
Those are the accurate instructions and tested.
If you execute the commands you posted, you don't have to enter a sudo-password for user aarna when executing the command
sudo bash -x aio-ubuntu-gcp-deploy.sh 2
?0 -
Yes. Correct. You have to execute all the posted commands from aarna user.
0 -
But how is it possible you don't have to enter a password when running
? Did you modify the sudoers file?0 -
aarna is added to sudoers group and hence it is not required to enter a password.
In your earlier VM yesterday. You were able to run the script right?. it is the same image. I hope you were able to run the script from aarna user only?
0 -
aarna is added to sudoers group and hence it is not required to enter a password.
No. This is wrong.
I just created a new VM using:
gcloud compute instances create openstack-01 --zone us-central1-f --custom-cpu 32 --custom-memory 72GB --min-cpu-platform "Intel Haswell" --image "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/onap-177920/global/images/aarna-aio-openstack-victoria-ubuntu-20-16032022-00"
Then I connected via SSH using:
gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-f" "openstack-01"
Then I enter the following commands:
Micha@openstack-01:~$ sudo su aarna
aarna@openstack-01:/home/Micha$ cd
aarna@openstack-01:~$ ls
aarna@openstack-01:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for aarna:As you can see, a password is required for the sudo command. The "aarna" user is not in the sudoers file. Please stop claiming it is.
0 -
Hi @michaober,
I have run the same steps and it working as expected. If you would like us to fix it. please share your VM IP.
raghuram@raghuram-Latitude-7410:~/Desktop/Aarna-Networks/mykeys$ gcloud compute instances create openstack-01 --zone us-central1-f --custom-cpu 32 --custom-memory 72GB --min-cpu-platform "Intel Haswell" --image "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/onap-177920/global/images/aarna-aio-openstack-victoria-ubuntu-20-16032022-00"
raghuram@raghuram-Latitude-7410:~/Desktop/Aarna-Networks/mykeys$ gcloud compute ssh --zone=us-central1-f openstack-01
raghuram@openstack-01:~$ sudo su aarna
aarna@openstack-01:/home/raghuram$ cd
aarna@openstack-01:~$ ls
aarna@openstack-01:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for aarna on openstack-01:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/binUser aarna may run the following commands on openstack-01:
(ALL : ALL) NOPASSWD: ALLI can do sudo su without password
aarna@openstack-01:~$sudo su
root@openstack-01:/home/aarna#0 -
hi @michaober,
Alternatively, you can download the aarna.pem file from the link I shared with you in the message and login to aarna user.Another option is to execute the below command from your login or root login to add aarna user to sudo group.
sudo usermod -aG sudo aarna0
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