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passed my cka exam

Hello everyone,
I would like to let you all know that I successfully obtained my k8s certification this weekend. This was my first attempt. I can attest that the exam is very straight forward. You should only need "kubernetes.io/docs" for support and be able to understand, and successfully replicate all the examples in the LFS258 class. Please take advantage of the expertise of Chris by joining the zoom meeting when you can.

Good luck to all of us!!!


  • Congratulations on passing your certification exam @asombie!
    Your hard work has paid off!

    And, thank you for your kind words 😊


  • A big Congrats to you, I would be writing mine soon and hope I can get it right the first time as well, how does one get access to the zoom meetings? I would love to attend whenever if I can get a link to one.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Office hours are only available for students enrolled in bootcamps.

  • Congrats. I hope that I will be able to do thew same in the near future.


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