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Integrate SAP Applications SAP Convergent Mediation into pacemaker HA

Hi all,

Is there a way to integrate some SAP Applications ( specifically SAP Convergent Mediation -by DigitalRoute ) into Red Hat HA ? I have found some SAP Notes for CM High Availability, but that's a very high level note : https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/3079845 , the title is "Standard Practices for SAP CM High Availability", and what it basically says is : "Requirements and Standard practice for SAP CM High Availability for servers running on bare-metal and virtual servers (eg: vmware images):

HA Clustering software (eg: Redhat Pacemaker. Not part of CM product)

2 servers - primary & secondary

1 virtual ip (shared between primary & secondary)

external shared network storage (eg: NAS)

Install CM platform on primary server only using virtual ip. "

But with no further details on how to integrate, what files are to be edited, where to push the ha_dr_provider parameters, or where the hook script must be..

I know from SUSE that SAP ASCS and SAP WebDispatcher can be integrated into pacemaker HA, so what about CM ?

Thanks !


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