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Exercise 10.1: Working with Helm and Charts, repo add error

I got the error at Excercise 10.1 Step4, Step5.
Please help me.
Thank you.

testvm@test-vm09:~$ which helm

testvm@test-vm09:~$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.6.0", GitCommit:"7f2df6467771a75f5646b7f12afb408590ed1755", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.16.3"}

testvm@test-vm09:~$ helm search hub database
Error: unable to perform search against "https://hub.helm.sh"

testvm@test-vm09:~$ helm repo add ealenn https://ealenn.github.io/charts
Error: looks like "https://ealenn.github.io/charts" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: Get "https://ealenn.github.io/charts/index.yaml": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


  • Try to run helm from the untar directory.

    linux-amd64/helm search hub database

    Otherwise again download the .tar file, untar it then copy linux-amd64/helm to /usr/local/bin/, then run helm.

  • jinkon
    jinkon Posts: 3

    Thank you for reply.
    I tried to search, but got error.
    I tried to using different version of helm(3.6.3, 3.7.2), but fail too.
    However "https://charts.helm.sh/stable" directory is working.
    Please advise me.
    Thank you.

    testvm@test-vm09:~$ ls -l /usr/local/bin
    total 179612
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 46551040 Jan 22 23:34 helm
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 46551040 Jan 22 02:16 helm360
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 45113344 Jan 22 23:34 helm363
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 45707264 Jan 22 02:17 helm372

    testvm@test-vm09:~$ helm360 search hub database
    Error: unable to perform search against "https://hub.helm.sh"

    testvm@test-vm09:~$ helm363 search hub database
    Error: unable to perform search against "https://hub.helm.sh"

    testvm@test-vm09:~$ helm372 search hub database
    Error: unable to perform search against "https://hub.helm.sh"

    testvm@test-vm09:~$ helm repo list
    stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable

  • jinkon
    jinkon Posts: 3

    It was a network problem of my environment.
    Thanks to everyone who interest in this issue.

  • cgxrenio
    cgxrenio Posts: 1

    Hi, I think I am having the same issue because of network problem, can you tell how you fixed it ?

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @cgxrenio,

    Would you be able to describe the behavior of the helm client?



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