Lab 6.2: error 404 when getting to the tester service via ingress
hope you can guide me on how to troubleshoot and to fix this ingress issue below.
Ingress installation according to the lab steps went successfully, fixed ingress-controller service acount so it accesses ingressclass.
Now tester pod, ingress controller pod and tester service are up and running. Can get to the service directly, but error 404 if going in via ingress:
cp-$ curl -H 'Host:'
<html><body><h1> 404 Not Found </h1>
The requested URL was not found.
*** tester pod is up and running in pods network at ip
pod/tester-77f475f4f4-bptdm 1/1 Running 3 2d11h
*** tester service listening on port 80 at cluster ip
service/tester ClusterIP 80/TCP 35h app=tester
*** configured ingress rules are seen and to me looks correct:
cp-$ kubectl describe
Name: tester
. . .
Host Path Backends
---- ---- -------- / tester:80 (
*** ingress pod is running on a host ip and listens on port 80:
haproxy-ingress-s8fkh 1/1 Running 2 36h
Can see haproxy really running listens on port 80 on a host:
cp-# ss -4lpn|grep haproxy
. . .
tcp LISTEN 0 2000* users:(("haproxy",pid=3586,fd=4))
tcp LISTEN 0 2000* users:(("haproxy",pid=3586,fd=5))
P.S. I know I can try to re-create HAProxy-ingress controller by using Helm and official guide etc., but guess it worth to spend time on troubleshooting to get a better understanding on how it works internally.
What are the ranges of the Pod network and the host network? Is there any IP address overlap between the two?
-Chris0 -
Thank you for the quick response. Damn, really they overlap.
VM host net is 192.168.122/24 and Pods network is the default one, just did not think about it when was preparing VMs.
But is it really the root cause for 404 error?
Because otherwise evertything works e.g. I can fetch test nginx web page if not using ingress proxy:
- from cp master VM host(= by e.g. curl
- from another pod(= by e.g. pod IP curl
- from another pod(= by e.g. ClusterIP curl
Why then HAProxy (= is the only one which cannot get to
0 -
Traffic can be allowed/blocked either by an OS level firewall, a hypervisor level firewall, VPC firewall, Security Group, etc...
The IP overlap however, is common cause for many routing issues within the cluster. The recommendation is to avoid any IP overlaps between Node IPs, Pod IPs, and Service IPs.
-Chris0 -
with this (current) version of haproxy ingress controller you need to annotate the ingress with the corresponding "ingress class", either on the fly after having created the Ingress object:
kc annotate ingress tester
or within the yaml:apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: annotations: # <== add this haproxy # <== add this name: tester [...]
For debugging, you can check if the controller picked up you ingress:
kc exec -n ingress-controller haproxy-ingress-7fk44 -t -i -- cat /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
adapt the pod's name accordingly, and watch out for a line containing (in this example)backend default_tester_80
Also check the logs of the pod (
kc logs -n ingress-controller --tail=10 haproxy-ingress-7fk44
) to see if the controller is acting on creating/changing the Ingress object:I0120 21:25:27.455209 8 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"tester", UID:"7589344b-f7ca-47c9-ba4c-f441c7f23ea4", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"1483239", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' Ingress default/tester I0120 21:25:28.317963 8 controller.go:317] starting haproxy update id=9 I0120 21:25:28.359947 8 instance.go:340] haproxy successfully reloaded (embedded) I0120 21:25:28.360269 8 controller.go:326] finish haproxy update id=9: parse_ingress=0.467661ms write_maps=0.912796ms write_config=2.915139ms reload_haproxy=37.616997ms total=41.912593ms
Felix3 -
For completeness' sake, you can also disable this behaviour of haproxy ingress controller, see
--ingress-class: defines the value of annotation this controller should listen to. The default value is haproxy if not declared.
--watch-ingress-without-class: defines if this controller should also listen to ingress resources that doesn’t declare neither the annotation nor the .spec.ingressClassName field. The default since v0.12 is to ignore ingress without class annotation and class name.TL;DR: you can add the config option
in the DaemonSet.Felix
1 -
@felixkrohn said:
with this (current) version of haproxy ingress controller you need to annotate the ingress with the corresponding "ingress class", either on the fly after having created the Ingress object:. . .
annotations: # <== add this haproxy # <== add this
name: tester
[...]. . .
This was the decisive move, it started to function immediately with the annotation.
Thank you for the help and for the hints, now understand it much better.
0 -
@felixkrohn is completely right. I'd add one more possible solution:
--- apiVersion: kind: IngressClass metadata: name: haproxy # <-- This can be custom spec: controller: # <-- This is fixed as per --- apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: tester spec: ingressClassName: haproxy # <-- Should match the above IngressClass resource's name rules: - host: #<-- Edit this to by YOUR IP http: paths: - pathType: Prefix path: "/" backend: service: name: tester port: number: 80
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