Available replicas definition and quality of the course in general

Module 6 - Deployment configuration status says:
Indicates how many were configured by the ReplicaSet. This would be compared to the later value of readyReplicas, which would be used to determine if all replicas have been fully generated and without error.
Whereas the docs (https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/replica-set-v1/) say:
availableReplicas (int32)
The number of available replicas (ready for at least minReadySeconds) for this replica set.
I'm not posting it here to be PITA, but there are so many of these errors in this course that it really is annoying. Linux foundation charges few hundred bucks and noone even cared to review this content? Even copying the docs would be better than misleading people.
another example from the same module:
Data being passed to the ReplicaSet to determine how to deploy an object (in this case, containers).
in this case - Pod? (and is it "data" being passed?) these aren't very significant details, but it frustrates me, sorry. If I see many mistakes, there are surely others that I didn't spot.
Another one
"There are ways of effecting the kube-apischeduler such that some nodes will not run a DaemonSet."What the f*** is kube-apischeduler??? does it schedule kube-api-servers? Come on, this is ridiculous.
0 -
Hi @kubabuba12,
We appreciate constructive feedback, provided in a respectful manner and language; the course author will review your feedback and assess where updates are needed.
Regarding the kube-apischeduler, this is a component of the control plane node, explained in Chapter 4. Kubernetes Architecture > Control Plane Node.
Flavia0 -
Flavia, this is the whole point it's called kube-scheduler, not kube-apischeduler.
We can make mistakes like that when chatting over coffee, but let us be precise when teaching!@fcioanca said:
Hi @kubabuba12,
We appreciate constructive feedback, provided in a respectful manner and language; the course author will review your feedback and assess where updates are needed.
Regarding the kube-apischeduler, this is a component of the control plane node, explained in Chapter 4. Kubernetes Architecture > Control Plane Node.
Flavia0 -
Also @fcioanca, I would strongly recommend getting another pair of eyes to review the content, aside from the course author.
Respectfully yours,
Jakub0 -
As a non-participant on this course, but someone who monitors forums, let me point out that this course had 4 releases in 2021, corresponding to the quarterly release cycle of the upstream K8s version and the CKA exams. Any software that moves that fast is going to cause a constant cycle of minor and major changes in the training content, most having to do with upstream developments, and there are of course always some minor regressions. There are indeed multiple eyes reviewing the content each time, and a lot of work is done is ensure things continue to work and evolve. (And keep in mind every official release version is itself broken, and the training content authors are in a continuous feedback loop with the K8s community to correct things.)
So I implore you to drop your nasty attitude and make specific and constructive comments. Any student of a fast moving field has to learn enough to correct minor errors on their own and provide feedback. Use of profane language does not help you get the kind of response you would like. And posting 3 messages in 1/2 hour indicates you think this is a real time chat room. It is not. Collect your thoughts and do more investigation before sending things please.
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