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Lab 6.4 cannot connect to webserver using curl though clusterip is correct.

Getting an error "curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused".
All traffic is open on for EC2 instance

Best Answer

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,388
    Answer ✓

    Hi @vsirnapalli,

    In 6.4 most errors are encountered because of mismatching labels and selectors. A Service is able to forward traffic to its expected Endpoints if the selector's key-value pair matches the key-value pair labels on the Pods, and a slight typo could produce a connection refused error.

    If it is unrelated to labels and selectors, perhaps more context would help with troubleshooting - the step number, the command, the full output, and possibly other troubleshooting steps attempted with their outputs.



  • liorzivi
    liorzivi Posts: 5

    Hi @chrispokorni ,

    This happened the same for me.

    1. Validated the network rules for my Azure VMS are opened.

    2. The service describe commands returns that the service is defined with:
      Port: 80 80/TCP
      TargetPort: 80/TCP
      NodePort: 80 32000/TCP
      Selector: example=second

    3. The pod is configured to run the nginx image and has the corret label:
      Labels: example=second

    I was able to reach the nginx service by using the private ip of the pod and the private ip of the service, it only failed while trying the public ip of both my master and worker nodes on Azure.

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,388

    Hi @liorzivi,

    Azure networking requires additional configuration steps for the CNI network plugin to work, and it is less flexible in terms of supported plugins. For these reasons Azure is not a supported infrastructure for the lab environment, but AWS-EC2 and GCP-GCE should work without any issues.
    However, you may be able to find a few discussions with dated solutions for Azure VMs, that students shared in the past on this forum. They could help to get you started with the specific configuration options required by Azure.


  • liorzivi
    liorzivi Posts: 5

    Thanks, got it working


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