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My exam score points

erme88 Posts: 3
edited November 2021 in LFW212 Class Forum

Today I received my result of JNSD exam which took place yesterday.

My score is 64 points (68 to pass). This was my second attempt and I am pretty, pretty sure I am passed.

In first attempt it was 8 points and I know why. No doubts it was only me who made mistakes. I just wasn't prepare enough and spent one hour on two first tasks.

But the last attempt was different. I was confident. I was well prepared. I've triple checked everything. I used Fastify in every task. Everything was perfect. In one hour I made everything.

I've opened a ticket about my exam points review.

Anyone knows what else can I do? I am so frustrated and down right.


  • Hello @erme88 ,

    I had a similar experience. You can pay the Linux Foundation $75 for a manual recheck and they will refund the money if it turns out that you passed. I believe whether they pass you or not they will also give you more details on your score.

    If you would like to proceed, you must do so in the first couple days after your exam while they still have your environment to recheck.



  • Hello @gregsheppard !

    Thank you for your help. Can you please tell me where I can find this option? I didn’t see it anywhere.

    Did it help you?

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Hi @erme88 ,

    The Customer Support Team will be able to assist with the rescoring option while addressing your ticket.



    The Linux Foundation Training & Certification Team

  • Thank you @fcioanca

    They already reached me and I payed for review.

    Have a nice day

  • @erme88 said:
    Today I received my result of JNSD exam which took place yesterday.

    My score is 64 points (68 to pass). This was my second attempt and I am pretty, pretty sure I am passed.

    In first attempt it was 8 points and I know why. No doubts it was only me who made mistakes. I just wasn't prepare enough and spent one hour on two first tasks.

    But the last attempt was different. I was confident. I was well prepared. I've triple checked everything. I used Fastify in every task. Everything was perfect. In one hour I made everything.

    I've opened a ticket about my exam points review.

    Anyone knows what else can I do? I am so frustrated and down right.

    I had some problems at my first attempt. I use at work the very good Boomerang extension for test REST API in visual studio and here impossible to install because the version of VS is too old (so I don't test, verify headers etc..and failed)..I had some problems with some strange behaviours not like when I did the training..I need to attempt a second time but I am frustated

  • Hello @dtravailloux,

    I know of a VS Code plugin that is modeled on Postman, called Thunder Client but I haven't used it much and I don't know what the exam policy is on VS Code plugins.

    Since the Node docs are available you could use the built-in http client and not have to worry about remembering the exact syntax.

    Personally, I am familiar enough with curl that I just used it from memory.

    Here's a GET:

    curl --include --write '\n\nResponse Code: %{response_code}\n\n' https://reqres.in/api/users

    And here is a POST:

    curl --request POST --data-raw '{"name":"greg"}' --include --write '\n\nResponse Code: %{response_code}\n\n' https://reqres.in/api/users



  • Thanks. I use Boomerang in Chrome and Thunder Client in vs yes. Thanks for the code it could be nice to use Thunder in vs too for exam

  • gregsheppard
    gregsheppard Posts: 31
    edited November 2021

    PS, forgot the --header flag for curl.

    Can the powers that be here tell us what the rules are on VS Code plugins? I found this information for documentation but no mention of editor plugins:


  • I already did a request about Thunder Client, boomerang

  • It's seems to have a tool for make API test "'postman" like thunderClient I use on windows.

    Virtual Machine (JSNAD and JSNSD Exams ONLY)
    The workstation is CentOS 7 based and configured with all the tools and software needed to complete the tasks. This includes:
    GNOME Desktop Environment Code Editing Software: VSCode, Vim, WebStorm (sponsored by JetBrains)API/REST Client (Postman)Node.js version 14 LTS

  • dtravailloux
    dtravailloux Posts: 16
    edited November 2021

    Hello I failed again in my second attempt. I don't understand too. I had some problems when I started my fastify tasks, port already occuped...I think maybe the tool for do the graduation try to start and if it can't start it it's failed and you have O points. I test all my task with postman. How we do for make a ticket ? It's really quite frustrating....

  • davidmarkclements
    davidmarkclements Posts: 270
    edited January 2022


    If the port was blocked, wouldn't your tests with postman fail? Or are you saying you experienced this issue momentarily to start with, resolved it, tested your services with postman and then received 0 points?

    If the port was already occupied it would be one of two things

    • you had a zombie node process running somewhere, a prior attempt that was blocking the port (pkill node can solve that)
    • there is an issue on the testing platform - this cannot be a problem on every test session otherwise no one could pass, so if it was a problem in your case it would have been an unusual occurrence. On top of that, the grading is not executing on the same vm you work on, it's specialised for grading and the port is changed every time the server is started - if you didn't set the port according to the environment variables as specified then you would receive a zero mark because there's nothing for the grading software to connect to and test.
  • @davidmarkclements
    I gave up, the support asked me $150 for a re-examination while here some people were talking about $75... I gave up, disappointed. Thanks for your answer but I don't understand what I do bad in JSNAD

  • sorry to hear that @dtravailloux

  • fzummo
    fzummo Posts: 1

    I had a similarly frustrating experience with the JSNSD. I am an experienced Software Engineer. I just failed the JSNSD exam for the second time sadly. On my first attempt, I didn't complete the exam and got a dismal 35%. It was clear that I wasn't adequately prepared. So, I redoubled my preparation efforts, and was well-prepared before my second attempt. On my second attempt, I implemented working solutions to most of the problems with fastify. I know they worked because I unit tested them in a web browser and Postman and got the expected results. The other two tasks that I did not unit test had implementations that should have earned at least partial credit. By my estimate, I should have earned 75-80%. The next day I found out I failed again. I got a score of only 60%! There are tricky stipulations in many of the problems that say, do XYZ or you get a zero! Keep that in mind if you are planning to take this exam. I submitted a Jira support ticket, requesting an audit of my score. I was told the exam results are auto-graded by scripts. If I wanted to challenge the results, I would have to pay $150 and wait nearly a month. They said results are rarely overturned. One thing I discovered taking the LFW212 course is that the validate.js scripts included with the labs tended to assume a specific implementation, i.e. express vs fastify. Therefore, some of the validate scripts SIMPLY WOULD NOT "pass" your obviously working code unless you followed the assumed implementation. The point here is that the validate scripts are not infallible. Exam results should be reviewed by a human being. If you are going to expect folks to shell out nearly $400 for the privilege of taking the JSNSD, there needs to be better transparency, accountability, and fairness in the way the exam is constructed, administered/proctored, and graded. Sorry, but this is completely unacceptable. The help desk said, "The course is not meant to specifically teach the exam." Sure, but it reflects poorly on the quality of the LFW212 course. Just saying.

  • I had a similar experience with JSNAD, I have taken the exam twice and I got a 17% score, I know that the exercises are good, I have more than 6 years of experience whith node.js and they are very short exercises. I can't understand how this happens.

    Does anyone know how I can request a manual review?

  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 482

    Hi @magarcia,

    Please open a ticket with our Customer Support Team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org. It can take several business days (no holidays or weekends) for the Support team to respond, depending on the volume.

    The Linux Foundation Training Team


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