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Lab 4.1 failed

I made multiple attempts to do the FIRST lab for Aarna ONAP and the script is not working ALL broken please advise.

Here the argument 4 is number of retriesnohup sudo bash -x aio-centos-gcp-deploy.sh 4

Here is the error

  • /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook bootstrap-aio.yml
    [DEPRECATION WARNING]: The use of 'static' has been deprecated. Use
    'import_tasks' for static inclusion, or 'include_tasks' for dynamic inclusion.
    This feature will be removed in version 2.12. Deprecation warnings can be
    disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
    ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'config_template'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
    The error appears to be in '/opt/openstack-ansible/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/ta sks/prepare_aio_config.yml': line 30, column 3, but may
    be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
    The offending line appears to be:
    name: Deploy user conf.d configuration
    ^ here

  • grep -q 'Playbook execution success' bootstrap-aio.out

  • echo 'Failed to run the ansible playbook bootstrap-aio.sh'
    Failed to run the ansible playbook bootstrap-aio.sh

  • sleep 1m


  • Hi @nguyenstrai,
    I would like to take a look at this setup, is it possible to enable access to this VM by adding my public key to .ssh/authorized_keys ? and share VM Public IP and username?.

    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC/Xdj1kZ4wUFgyQWEW8jVWOfX9TcsBawyPsSCszv1gGRcsqRCcL2DnbAWkrCIORvuQlzJcG/ICMagSzFuJGX1FyF/rYZyVmVTCvsJGLdxL86xHtuADkhNYvMpgIpNWZHIFkLqATfnsYBtm9Dxrf5hK9b9WahpI0cMJRDvLpPmg5ulwTb8sob+lPcQzHra2wing4r1n5fBfn0CZkFB18pHYpdTMVPF26k8YwzimdNxDcPYEF4394vHYdzm65qPrzb+kUzvoEiDzDvWf1ikPJiZJkPcvQLEfXWaYBXmlEmhl3uLCUJaahEI/UbmttDsZY09bG/v0ktj6QoMUvo524mMp raghuram@raghuram-Latitude-7410

  • Hi @nguyenstrai ,
    Could you please respond to my previous request. Were you able to make any further progress or do you still help.?


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