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LFCS exam tips

Hello folks,

Planing to take the LFCS exam at the end of the month, do you mind share any tips/tricks for my last preparation days ?
i will complete the course tomorrow but i still feel short about practice exercises/exams, do you have any ideas regarding this ?

Thanks in advance for your help and feedback.


  • Posts: 17

    Provided you have appropriate hardware, setup some VMs, or even install Debian(Ubuntu)/Fedora(Centos, Rocky, Alma, RHEL, etc) on a spare/old laptop/desktop.

    Check on Facebook Marketplace or similar for anyone selling their old/broken laptop/desktop for cheap and use that to install Linux. Before leaving the UK, 2 years ago, I purchased an old Dell Inspiron 1720 from an old lady, for £10, as the screen won't work.

    This was my first ever laptop, when it first came out, so bought it more for memorabilia purposes.

    After dusting it and resoldering a broken display connector, it now sits in my home-lab, running fedora 35(beta). I'm hosting my plex server on it and I use it as my main bash development machine.

    If you don't have the hardware, you can get a AWS free tier or similar cloud instance. AWS has elastic IPs, which means you get to assign a static public IP address. Azure has similar offers and you can assign a static, public IP address and even use a custom DNS to access it.

    You have a choice of distros with both providers. There are other providers as well. Check the Linux Upskill Challenge, specifically the Day - 0 posts, as they discuss setting up a free cloud based environment.

    Install termux on your android/iphone phone and start accessing these resources whenever you have some free time and you're not home, like in public transit.

    Play around with configs, setup some storage(LVM/RAID), create small partitions using any free space you have, using different file systems(ext, btrfs, zfs, etc) and use their built-in options to see what they do. Break and fix as much as you can.

    Write scripts, archive and unarchive stuff, make backups of things, using any tools you like(I personally use rsync), change user/group/file permissions, have a go at apparmor and selinux(they are absolutely awesome) add/change/remove users, configure system limits(in any way you can), learn how to pipe from anything to anything, learn everything that's in /proc, use redirection as often as you can.

    I mean, the list goes on and on and on. iptables and nftables are big deals. so are ip and nmcli.

    I passed the exam in March. My professional life has not improved, as I don't have much linux proven experience, but it's a start.

    It does not end with you passing the certification. This is just the first step.

    But I hope this helps anyway.

  • Thanks a lot for your awesome feedback.

    I will do so !

    Have a great day.


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