Blind Auction - getPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey API working
Hi All,
I was trying to save all bids using composite key with an unique ID for all bids in PrivateData, not using lot id(As given in the exercise).
I am able to extract/get the list of all bids using getPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey api.
async getBidLists(ctx, assetId = ''){ let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < Participents.length; i++) { if(ctx.clientIdentity.getMSPID() === Participents[i]+'MSP') { continue; } const collStr = this._getCollectionName(ctx.clientIdentity.getMSPID(),Participents[i]+'MSP'); let iterator = ctx.stub.getPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey(collStr,bidObjectType,[]); for await(const itr of iterator) { const bidVal = JSON.parse(itr.value.toString('utf8')); if(ctx.clientIdentity.getMSPID() === bidVal.assetOrg) { if(assetId === ''){ result.push(bidVal); } else if( assetId === bidVal.assetId) { result.push(bidVal); } } } } return result; }
All works well until when i try to close the bid, by getting the list of all bids, look for highest bid price and update the lot with a bid price and then close.
While updating the lot in StateDB, i receive below error.
Error: endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"error in simulation: transaction returned with failure: Error: PUT_STATE failed: transaction ID: 35c9fae2....: txid [35c9fae2....]: Transaction has already performed queries on pvt data. Writes are not allowed"
Here using an await iterator method, there is no need to close it, then why the writes are not allowed. And its not in private data store but the state db.
Any help much appreciated.
@SumitVedpathak, Hello, let's see if we can help. The labs in the course recommend you follow the steps exactly. Some folks have been having similar issues that might offer you a solution ( Another great resource is the Fabric mailing list, just describe your issue and start a discussion, Hope this helps, Bobbi
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@Bobbijn The link which you provided is completely different than what i have highlighted. IN link it is about chaincode being exited, and not working properly.
My issue is completely different.
In the lab the code provided works perfectly fine, without any issue.
But i am trying to explore more with the API's. The way we are using getStateByPartialCompositeKey, used to list down all Lots, Simillarly i wanted to use getPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey, to list down all bids for a lot. And i am able to get the list of all bids with this API. But in the same function when i call to PutState after getPrivateDataByPartialCompositeKey, it complains that "Transaction has already performed queries on pvt data. Writes are not allowed".
Looks like it is not allowing Reading PrivateData for one set of data and writing state another object. But why, these are two different storage states, and both objects are different.0 -
Additionally, Blind Auction lab assignment, allows only one bid per organization. Practically, an organization can bid multiple times, by adding an additional bid in the list without overriding the previous one.
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Sumit, Great Discussion. We encourage learners to test out the labs and we appreciate you uncovering this situation with multiple bids. I will bring this to the editors and let you know the outcome. In the meantime I strongly suggest you join the Fabric mailing list and get involved with the discussions, Mailing List:,
Follow this link, to join. The group will benefit from your participation.
Bobbi0 -
Thanks @Bobbijn ,
I have initiated the discussion in the group. Hope to see the best way to approach this.
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