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[port 8080] java always takes a handle

It there a fix? For the moment, I use sudo lsof -i tcp:8080 and then kill java's pid


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  • Hi @thomas.bucaioni ,

    1.- What Chapter number and section are you working on?

    2.- What's the specific issue you are facing?

    3.- What OS and version are you working on?


  • Hi @luisviveropena,

    1.- at the moment, I'm on chapter 'setting-up-continuous-integration-with-jenkins' but the problem appeared in the previous one already

    2.- when I run docker-compore to build Jenkins, the build fails because port 8080 is busy. And tracking it down with lsof, I always find it's java using this port.

    3.- my system is: Linux 5.4.0-81-generic #91-Ubuntu SMP x86_64 GNU/Linux (from uname -a)

    Best regards,

  • Hi @thomas.bucaioni ,

    Are you running any other service on port 8080? Let's say Tomcat, or any other application server? (Or perhaps you already have a container running Jenkins!)

    You also can modify the docker-compose.yaml file so Jenkins can use a different port than 8080.


  • Hi @luisviveropena,

    Now that Jenkins is installed, it takes precedence over Java so it's solved... Thinking about it, It tried Rstudio in it's web version a couple of times and I had to run a server. It wouldn't surprise me it was that.

    Anyway, it seems it's fixed now. Besides, I found where to change the port in Jenkins configuration. If the problem comes back, I'll change it there. Thank you for your help

    Best regards,

  • Hi @thomas.bucaioni ,

    I'm glad it's solved now. The same thing applies to other services, like web servers; if you install Apache2 and Nginx, you can't run both in the same port, so you need to take precautions.

    Many regards,


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