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Progress bar for course stuck at 0


  • I've been taking this course at my own pace when I realised at around ~60% progress, the progress bar disappeared
  • It's not critical since I know the content I learnt is still applicaable, just wanted to ask if it could be fixed since have the progress bar does motivate me to keep going


  • Is there a way fix the progress bar?


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,179

    Hi @kndwin ,

    We have made changes to the platform yesterday, and to each individual course. The % complete is linked to the criteria used to mark the course completed. As that criteria changed, the platform will only show 0% and 100% going forward, until our provider will make further enhancements to it. There is no ETA as to when such enhancements will be made.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • kndwin
    kndwin Posts: 2

    Ahh okay, thanks for the explaination. Not that I got there yet, but would I be able to finish the course and get the completion verification?

  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 472

    @kndwin, upon course completion you will receive e Certificate of Completion and a digital badge.


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