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Lab 3.1-3.10

Hi Everyone!
I am trying to run the docker-machine to install dockerhost platform of the DigitalOcean's Docker Architecture to follow the Labs instructions; unfortunately, when I ran the command docker-machine always came out that the dockerhost already existing, despite the new Token. Therefore, the command not ran, I could not install the dockerhost platform to do the subsequent labs, ...

Please see Screenshot:

which docker-machine command must come out like this one:

So many thanks!


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @Helio,

    According to the documentation, the Docker Machine is being superseded. However, it may still work, and there may be a more recent version with installation steps outlined in the documentation.


  • Helio
    Helio Posts: 27

    Hi @chrispokorni,
    I checked the documentation as you told, and then I removed and reinstalled, but the problem still persisting. So, I uninstalled everything, including the Digital Ocean and LFD254, and then installed all them again, everything sound to work fine. Therefore, I restarted the Lab 3.1-3.10 using the docker-machine to create the dockerhost platform; unfortunately, it did not complete the work.

    There on DigitalOcean.com Droplets I followed the Instruction as are showing on Lab 2 creating a public key, but when moved to Lab 3 to create the dockerhost with its key using the docker-machine it came like that, please see the Screenshot:

    Thank you so Much!

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @Helio,

    The driver is attempting to provision a digital ocean droplet of a size that is default for the digitalocean driver - which may no longer be available (based on the error message). You may customize your droplet's image and size by adding the --digitalocean-image ... and/or --digitalocean-size ... flags, shown in the documentation.


  • Helio
    Helio Posts: 27

    Hi Chrispokorni!
    Sorry for so long, computer got Hardware problems.
    I fixed it, so I did a new Setup for the Labs LFD254, and the problem still existing.
    I believe is causing by the DigitalOcean server when I try to recreate the instance "dockerhost" to function the docker-machine,
    Please take a looking on this:

    docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token=$DO_TOKEN dockerhost
    Host already exists: "dockerhost"


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