Lab 2.6 open point + slice resource limit impact not visible
Hi all,
First - not sure if the forum is the right place - but wanted to feedback on some possible mistake on the lab pdf document for this section - The two figures "Figure 2.24:systemd-delta showing unit file override" and "Figure 2.27:systemd-delta showing unit file and dropin file" are identical if i am not mistaken..
Then I have problem to see any effects on the last exercice when using systemd slice with a low CPU quota.
I can confirm the service is launched using foo.slice - seen under cgroup with "using systemctl status foo" as well with the script "" provided but eventually no visible effect on overall CPU consumption..
Anyone has seen this problem and what could be the causes ?
This was tested under Centos 8 and Ubuntu LTS 20.04 with similar results...
Thank you for the feed back ! Yes,2.24 and 2.27 are the same in the book but we know from adding in the "sropin file" the stress counters should show 1 process for each sectiion. This has been fixed in the version due to hit the streets very soon.
On the "slice " lab are you seein g"system.slice" or "foo.slice" ? I'm betting on "system.slice" You see CentOS8 moved the files areound a bit.
CPUQuota=30%As the last 2 lines in your:
/etc/systemd/system/foo.service.d/00-foo.confThe test should show the foo.slice and the 30% limit will be enforced.
Yes, this fix is in the new verion.
Sorry for having some difficulties , we test the labs often and appreciate feedback to plug any problems that surface..
Regards Lee
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Thanks Lee for your feedback,
I can confirm "foo.slice" is used - as printed from the script provided and also seen with 'systemctl status foo' command showing "CGroup: /foo.slice/foo.service"
I assume the CPUQuota is not enforced here in my case and something missing.
Looking at output of this command : "systemctl show foo |grep CPU" listed below, I assume parameter setting is not correct.CPUUsageNSec=[not set]
CPUWeight=[not set]
StartupCPUWeight=[not set]
CPUShares=[not set]
StartupCPUShares=[not set]
CPUSchedulingResetOnFork=no0 -
Now that is interesting. But it is working, look at the %CPU in the , it adds up to 30%. If you wish change the percentage in the service file, it will reflect in the
As to the systemctl show command, and seeing the parameter, I'll have to look into that as it is not obvious where the value is.Lee
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I'm reasonabley certain the value is stored in:
Mine is set to 33% and the above link is 33000.
As for why we cannot see it, that is another investigation.Regards Lee
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Think I found it. My value of CPUQuotaPerSecUSec=330ms looks right as that would be 0.33 seconds or 33% of a second.
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Well, my initial concern is that the overall CPU consumption seen is not changing whatever the foo.slice is on or not and with CPUQUOTA as low as 10% - see below output of track-STRESS script for both cases.
I guess CPU quota is not enforced.. and I cannot see any foo.slice folder under /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/ when foo.slice is running.
$ sudo find /sys/fs/cgroup/ -name "foo.slice"
/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/foo.sliceCan you show what parameter do you use with your foo.slice config file ?
Also confirm on your working case what value do you get with command "systemctl show foo |grep -i quota" when foo.slice is running ?My outputs below.
With system.slice :
./ is running
The pid for stress is 738953
738953 1 stress 7952 0.0 3 system.slice
738954 738953 stress 7952 98.5 3 system.slice
738955 738953 stress 7952 97.1 0 system.slice
738956 738953 stress 139028 98.4 1 system.slicewith foo.slice + CPUQuota at 10%
./ is running
The pid for stress is 736929
736929 1 stress 7952 0.0 2 foo.slice
736930 736929 stress 7952 98.5 2 foo.slice
736931 736929 stress 7952 97.5 0 foo.slice
736932 736929 stress 139028 98.6 3 foo.sliceMy config files under /etc/systemd/system/foo.service.d
$ cat 00-foo.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/stress --cpu 1 --vm 1 --io 1 --vm-bytes 128M
Slice=foo.slice$ cat foo.slice
Description=stress slice
CPUQuota=10%0 -
1 delete the file "foo.slice"
2 Add:
CPUQuota=30%As the last 2 lines in your:
/etc/systemd/system/foo.service.d/00-foo.confThis is assuming you are using CentOS-8. We used the file foo.slice with CentOS-7 and do not need it for CentOS-8.
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Thanks...Indeed, tested initially and not working with Centos 8 and Ubuntu LTS 20.04 as written on my first post..
Now tested and working under Centos 8 with your last comment. where overall %CPU is now in line with CPUQuota.
Not sure however how to check CPU quota is enforced looking at service once running. I was assuming CPUQouta would have been reflected somewhere using command like 'systemctl show foo'
Correction not tested with Ubuntu 20.04
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Other than the CPUQuotaPerSecUSec value that should track with the CPUQuota percentage, I'm looking for an alternative.
The script was created to collect the cpu utilization used by the primary and spawned proceses so we could see that the quota is working.Lee
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