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Introduction and Some Questions about the Exam process

brianrizzo Posts: 2
edited May 2021 in LFW211 Class Forum

Hello Everyone,
I have been a developer since the late 90s and have worked across many languages and platforms. Last year our company made a tech switch to node from a full MS stack and we have been training up. As the former manager, self demoted to sr engineer on my team I am trying to lead the team by example. I'm here to get certified with plans on sitting for the services exam shortly after this one.

I will not ask about the exam questions. I just need to know how to set up my testing space. I have heard some nightmares about AWS (which I'm also working on) remote exams, so just trying to make sure I have everything correct going in.

  1. My laptop does not have a webcam, I did purchase one specifically for the test. Will this be a problem?
  2. My office is open to the house so I plan to take my exam in my son's room when he is at his mother's house. He has a desk/table, a bed, a tv and some furniture in there. Is that good enough?
  3. Is there anything else I should concern myself with as far as my setup?

    Thanks in advance


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,221

    Hi @brianrizzo ,
    Please take a look at the Candidate Handbook, which contains important information about exam-related aspects. If your questions or concerns are not answered there, please reach out to the Customer Support Team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org, and they will be able to assist.
    Good luck on the exams!
    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • brianrizzo
    brianrizzo Posts: 2

    Hello @fcioanca,

    I had reviewed that when I purchased the training materials and exam. I think unless there are other unlisted gotcha's I should be OK.

    Thanks for the link and reply.

  • good luck @brianrizzo - feel free to ask any other questions or things you feel could improve here


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