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No outbound network (http/https) traffic in google compute instance

I'm using terraform and I have an external / public ip, a route leading to the gateway, and firewall policies to allow outbound network traffic

But when I try to do sudo apt update or any network ping (e.g. ping it hangs and nothing is returned

Any ideas what I could be missing?


  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,249

    Hi @syntapy ,

    We have two forums here, they are for the Cloud Engineer Boot Camp and Advanced Cloud Engineer Boot Camp. I guess you aren't in one of these?


  • syntapy
    syntapy Posts: 8

    I'm in cloud engineer boot camp. I'm starting the kubernetes course and I'm trying to do it with terraform

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,179

    @syntapy Please post in the specific course forum, and the forum moderators will assist.

  • syntapy
    syntapy Posts: 8

    Ok, I found it. Thank you


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