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Question on exam

First, will you be able to use the search bar in the kubernetes docs during the exam or do you need to rely on your bookmarks since the search gives results from the discussions subdomain as well?

Second, will autompletion be set up by default or do you need to memorize source <(kubectl completion bash)?


  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 482

    Hi @krisslott ,

    For any exam-related questions please reach out to our Customer Support Team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org.

    Thank you,
    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @krisslott,

    For URLs found in the search results of the documentation make sure that they direct you to an allowed domain before clicking on them, and avoid clicking on the ones directing you outside of the allowed domains.

    The autocompletion command can be found in the documentation as well.



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