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Issues with exam results

I've passed my exam on Sunday, April 4 (5 days ago), and still got no results.
So I wrote to tech support (both PSI and Linux Foundation) and got no response. Seems my ticket simply was frozen.
In exam results section in the FAQ, it's said you need to wait up to 36 hours. So this time is obviously has passed.
And I have no idea what to do next, I'm starting nervous about that.
Did anybody face such situation?


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    Hi Olha, any exam-related questions should be directed to the Linux Foundation Customer Support Team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org, not to PSI. If you already opened a ticket with our support team, you should be able to follow the progress with your ticket in the support portal; if they have not followed up already, they will follow up with you. Sometimes, delays may be experienced due to the number of support tickets, or the situation that was raised in the ticket and how long it may take to research potential causes and fixes. Thank you for your patience.


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