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Are AWS/GCE accounts mandatory? (LFS258)

Dear all,

I'm just starting the LFS258 course (Kubernetes Fundamentals) and I'd like to know if it's mandatory the creation of an account in AWS or GCE for the accomplishment of the exercises of this course.

Thank you for your time.



  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,415

    Hi @mflobo,

    A note in the overview section may clarify your answer:

    The labs [...] have been written to be vendor-agnostic so could run on AWS, local hardware, or inside of virtualization to give you the most flexibility and options. Each platform will have different access methods and considerations...

    Learners have run these labs successfully on GCP and AWS clouds, and on local environments provisioned with hypervisors such as VirtualBox.



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