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LAB 2 - How can I see the PublicKey after generating de identity

AldoFilho Posts: 7
edited March 2021 in LFS272 Class Forum

According to lab 2 tutorial, for Enrroling a Peer, after the fabric-ca-client enroll -u command for generating the public key for the Org1Administrator, we supposedly would find all keys end certs for Org1Administrator running the command
ls $FABRIC_CA_HOME/msp/Org1Administrator. So, I got all the following directories
IssuerPublicKey IssuerRevocationPublicKey cacerts keystore
signcerts user

but I didn't get acesses into them running the command cd $ IssuePublicKey for example.

How can I acesses those data ?

Aldo Cezar


  • Bobbijn
    Bobbijn Posts: 190

    Hello and welcome to the forum. In lab 2 the creation of identities follows a specific pathway which includes a detailed order for specific commands. The command you are trying to execute is not part of the flow. Further in the lab there is a section for "Getting Identity Information" which shows a way to retrieve identity information. If you are looking for information outside the scope of the lab for your research, a suggestion would be to look into the Fabric documentation https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/identity/identity.html. Keep on Learning !


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