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lab3.5 - Step 6: Access from outside the cluster

I'm using AWS. When i try to get to the cluster from outside, (public_ip:32753) I get "This site can't be reached". I feel like this maybe something with AWS. Maybe the security group? Is anyone else having this issue? Can you give me some pointers on what i need to check on my side?


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,419

    Hi @kstand1ge,

    The SG has to allow all traffic into the VPC - from all sources, to all ports, all protocols.


  • i verified that. It is correct.
    both inbound and outbound

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,419

    Hi @kstand1ge,

    Then it may be related to something else. AWS seems to have its own way of configuring nameservers on guest VMs.

    When logged on the Node where the Pod is running (you can determine that with kubectl get pod -o wide) and you attempt curl <Pod-IP> and curl <Service-CLUSTER_IP>, do you receive responses from the webserver?

    Then log onto another Node, and run the same two curl commands (against the same IP addresses), do you still see responses from the webserver?


  • gfjalar
    gfjalar Posts: 1

    When you inspect the output of kubectl get svc nginx command, pay attention to the port that was assigned to your service. For example, in my case port 80 was mapped to 32026, not 32753.


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