Chapter 4 Lab 4.2 Exercise 5
All, I am working in chapter 4 lab 4.2 working with cpu and memory constraints. I am currently on number5 in the lab and the kubectl replace -f hog.yaml is generating an error and it says :Error from server (NotFound): error when replacing "hog.yaml": deployments.apps "hog" not found and per the lab it is supposed to say : deployment.apps/hog replaced. Am I running the command correctly? I would think that you need to tell the operating system were the file is you want to replace? it does not. I lokked it up too and it seems it was typed in correctly per the lab? I am typing in kubectl replace -f hog.yaml, It is worded exactly how it is in the lab. I also tried tab completion per a prior lab. is the command incomplete? I will move on...But, i am curious how to run the command. Or what the problem is?
Now I am in chapter 7 labs and I am trying to issue the command : kubectl describe rs rs-one. amd it is telling me the error. Error from server (NotFound): replicasets.apps "rs-one" not found. everything else is gettibng created and it looks like the printout in the lab sheet. I can't seem to find yaml files. I am doing something wrong. Can you see what that is. right now everything is going good except for finding these type of files. One more question i have is ? are all of these commands complete or are they designed to make us try and figure this out.
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I left everything in one thread because I think i forgot something somewhere. That is why I think i am getting the can't find error a lot. Now I can,t delete the replicaset I created in chapter 7 as well.
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete rs rs-one --cascade=false
Error from server (NotFound): replicasets.apps "rs-one" not found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl describe rs rs-one
Error from server (NotFound): replicasets.apps "rs-one" not found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl get pods
ds-one-28jjx 1/1 Running 0 12m
ds-one-lm7sr 1/1 Running 0 14m
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl describe rs rs-one
Error from server (NotFound): replicasets.apps "rs-one" not found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl get pods
ds-one-28jjx 1/1 Running 0 14m
ds-one-lm7sr 1/1 Running 0 15m
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete rs rs-one --cascade=false
Error from server (NotFound): replicasets.apps "rs-one" not found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl get rs
No resources found in default namespace.
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl edit pod rs-one-3c6pb
Error from server (NotFound): pods "rs-one-3c6pb" not found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl get rs
No resources found in default namespace.
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl get po -L system
ds-one-28jjx 1/1 Running 0 15m DaemonSetOne
ds-one-lm7sr 1/1 Running 0 17m DaemonSetOne
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete rs rs-one
Error from server (NotFound): replicasets.apps "rs-one" not found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete pod -l system=rs-one-3c6pb
No resources found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete ds-one-lm7sr -l system=IsolatedPod
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "ds-one-lm7sr"
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl get pod
ds-one-28jjx 1/1 Running 0 19m
ds-one-lm7sr 1/1 Running 0 21m
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete pod ds-one-lm7sr -l system=IsolatedPod
error: name cannot be provided when a selector is specified
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete ds-one-lm7sr -l system=IsolatedPod
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "ds-one-lm7sr"
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete pod -l ds-one-lm7sr=IsolatedPod
No resources found
david-theroux@master:~$ kubectl delete pod -l ds-one-lm7sr
No resources found
Maybe I am not entering the command in correctly. I will look at the video again so I can check. I also wanted to ask you guys. I know what you guys are going to say LOL! I know i entered the commands in a lot. I was seeing about the syntax.0 -
Hi @dctheroux,
Ensuring that you run syntactically correct commands is important, but interpreting the feedback from the CLI, generated after you run a command, is equally important.
It seems that you keep getting "not found" feedback messages when you attempt to delete objects. That indicates that you are trying to delete non-existing objects. Did you delete them previously? Were you able to successfully create the objects in previous steps? Were you able to verify the objects were generated and they are in an expected state (typically with a
kubectl get
command to list objects of a specific type, andkubectl describe
command to list individual object details)?Regards,
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