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I'm wondering if configuring services such as Apache, Mail, MariaDB, DNS-Server, Proxy-Server, DHCP-Server etc. are part of the Exam?



  • coop
    coop Posts: 916

    please reach out to trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org for exam-specific questions, as we do not write the exams. However, the kinds of things you are talking about would be more likely for LFS211 and LFCE than LFS201 and LFCS. We do not set up those kind of services in LFS201

  • Hi @avmentzer ,

    You also can take a look to the "Domains & Competencies" section on the Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) website:


    There is a subsection for Service Configuration.

    I hope that helps,

  • Even if you don‘t write the exam you should proper train the domains listed, or am I wrong?

    all the best


  • coop
    coop Posts: 916

    The course as it exists has over 40 chapters and more than 800 pages I believe. It is the longest e-learning course we have and has as a pre-requisite (or equivalent) LFS101x at edx.org which is of similar length. The domains and competencies, as drawn up, are not ideal as they list subjects for which it is obviously impossible to design performance-based questions that can be done in a manner of minutes, due to the length of the exam and the fact it has to cover multiple issues. If it were a multiple choice exam, you could indeed craft zingers on these issues you list, but this is not the case.

    We do have back and forth with the exam people, but only about the domains and competencies, and I have raised this kind of question before, but there are reasons to say that these fields are important for someone to be competent about to be an excellent system administrator; the exam can't cover every thing and the course prepares you for the exam but is not a "exam-prep" course. Which is why we cover some subjects unlikely to be on the exam.

    You are allowed a free retake of the exam if you don't pass, so please concentrate on the main issues and these corner objects :)

  • Thank you for the reply. I think I got it :)


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