lab 5.2 : Operation cannot be fulfilled on persistentvolumeclaims "pvc-one"
it's wierd. Using the resources for S_05. don't know that to do
I create a PV : kubectl create -f PVol.yaml ( I changed my for IP of my master node)
I create a PVC : kubectl create -f pvc.yaml
I create a deployment : kubectl create -f simpleapp.yaml-with-edits
but my pods are stuck at "Pending"
kubectl describe pod try1-dd4b9d99d-5n9gk
Warning FailedScheduling 3m36s default-scheduler error while running "VolumeBinding" prebind plugin for pod "try1-dd4b9d99d-5n9gk": Operation cannot be fulfilled on persistentvolumeclaims "pvc-one": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again Warning FailedScheduling 2m33s default-scheduler error while running "VolumeBinding" prebind plugin for pod "try1-dd4b9d99d-5n9gk": Failed to bind volumes: failed to check provisioning pvc: could not find v1.PersistentVolumeClaim "default/pvc-one" Warning FailedScheduling 2m33s default-scheduler persistentvolumeclaim "pvc-one" not found
kubectl describe pvc pvc-one
Normal WaitForPodScheduled 7m40s persistentvolume-controller waiting for pods try1-dd4b9d99d-xgt6p,try1-dd4b9d99d-hx5bm,try1-dd4b9d99d-8sxz6,try1-dd4b9d99d-vr4cn,try1-dd4b9d99d-5n9gk,try1-dd4b9d99d-pkxh6 to be scheduled Normal Provisioning 3m55s (x5 over 7m40s) External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "default/pvc-one" Warning ProvisioningFailed 3m55s (x5 over 7m40s) failed to provision volume with StorageClass "local-path": Only support ReadWriteOnce access mode Normal ExternalProvisioning 107s (x25 over 7m40s) persistentvolume-controller waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator
kubectl describe pv pvvol-1
Source: Type: NFS (an NFS mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod) Server: Path: /opt/sfw ReadOnly: false Events: <none>
I installed nfs server on master and the nfs client on worker nodes too
from worker2
k8s-worker2:~$ ls -l /mnt/ total 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9 Oct 25 23:47 hello.txt
k8s-master:~/labs/LFD259/SOLUTIONS/s_05$ sudo showmount -e localhost
Export list for localhost: /opt/sfw *
hummm. I saw that I added local-path-storage before
- name: Deploy local-path-provisioner become: false command: kubectl apply -f - name: Set local-path sc to default become: false command: 'kubectl patch storageclass local-path -p ''{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'''
why does it interfers with the NFS in the example. Is it because we didn't specify a storage class. Probably, because of that, it's using the default, which in the local-path-provisioner. What should I modify to make it work (without uninstalling the local-path) ?
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Hi @SebastienDionne,
I see many rancher references in your output. Did you use rancher to build your cluster instead of the described method in Lab 2 ?
-Chris0 -
yes, I used my vagrant script. I saw later that I used rancher for host-path provider. so I think that I could fix my problem with creating a new nfs storageclass. I used those problems as practice for the exam in the same time
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I was able to get it to work. I was right. I have to specify a storageClassName: nfs-client after installing nfs-client-provider. Now I can continue the exercices
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