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Creation of a RAID device (Unit 24)

Lab 24.1 tells us to

run partprobe or kpartx or reboot after you are done to make sure the system is properly aware of the new partitions.

directly after creating the partitions with fdisk,
the first question on the quiz for Unit 24 tells us to reboot as the last step, after fdisk, creating and putting a file system on the RAID device and updating the /etc/mdamd.conf file.

It would seem to me that if we are checking whether Linux sees the new partitions we have created, it would be logical to reboot directly after fdisk.

What say ye?


  • Hi @faszikam ,

    It would seem to me that if we are checking whether Linux sees the new partitions we have created, it would be logical to reboot directly after fdisk.

    Well, rebooting the OS will work. But 'partprobe -s' will work as well (and also kpartx). So, it's up to you what solution you will apply.


  • nicolasmendoza
    nicolasmendoza Posts: 22
    edited October 2020

    I use 'partprobe -s', so it's not necessary reboot the machine, then I verify the changes with 'lsblk -f'. Just remember to write the changes with 'w' in fdisk.
    Now, if you need to validate that your /etc/fstab it's correct and it's mounting automatically the partition (depending of you want and configuration), yep you can reboot your machine and test all it's ok. Or just run mount -a (this will mount all filesystem specified in the fstab config) to test your fstab config without reboot. I think there are few scenarios where we need to reboot linux, and maybe are associated with kernel updates. So this is not like the windows OS family :D


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