Setup VM with Vagrant/Virtualbox [Posted this on the wrong board, couldn't delete it sorry]
Hello there,
I'm trying to setup my study VM with Vagrant and Virtualbox, but i seem to be missing some parts. I'm using the generic/centos7 image from vagrantcloud
After running the
bit, I'm getting the error below. I tried the sudo command the error is mentioning, but that didn't work either.
I couldn't figure out how to add the images from to vagrant/virtualbox
`Complete! WARN: Some packages didn't install: bonnie++ ccache collectl gparted You can perhaps try installing by running: ./ --fix-missing --install LFS201 or by: sudo yum --skip-broken install bonnie++ ccache collectl gparted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARN: You may have troubles using this computer for this course unless you can fix the above warnings. WARN: Ask your instructor on the day of the course if you have more questions. NOTE: Make sure to follow the instructions above to fix any issues found [vagrant@localhost ~]$ sudo yum --skip-broken install bonnie++ ccache collectl gparted Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: No package bonnie++ available. No package ccache available. No package collectl available. No package gparted available. Error: Nothing to do`
Please let me know if I can go ahead and start the course, or what else I can do to sort this out
Hi @dlectronique ,
Did you try to install the missing packages using "yum install " as root, or using sudo? For example:
sudo yum install gparted
Luis.0 -
even easier you can do
./ --install --fix-broken LFS201
This will install everything that can be found. You should have also the EPEL repo installed by None of these listed packages matter anyway so don't get stuck.
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Hello there, thanks for your responses - so basically i've downloaded the image again and managed to get it running in virtualbox.
Still got the error, but with 4 different packages missing (kernelshark, gnome tweaks, podman and podman-docker). I tried downloading them manually, could only find the last two.
Ran again and even though i got a warning i'm still missing 2 packages, it did say my machine was ready.
When I googled kernelshark and gnome tweaks it doesn't look like they're available anymore. I will get started on the course and hope i don't get in to trouble later on!
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Hi @dlectronique ,
I don't think you'll miss these packages. So feel free to explore the labs
If you get into any trouble, we are here to assist.
Luis.1 -
ON RHEL-7 kernelshark is not a package and the script should not be using it. The package is if I remember correctly "trace-gui" and the command "sudo yum install trace-cmd trace-gui" would do it. However, I have no idea why kernelshark is being asked for this course which has no need for it. For RHEL7 the tweak tool has an older name and you have to do "yum install gnome-tweak-tool" or even easier "yum install tweak"
I'll check with the maintainer.
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you won't miss kernel shark but you will miss gnome-tweak-tool because in their infinite wisdom a lot of essential configuration tools are there and not in "settings", and I could not live without this package. It handles things like extensions and keyboard layouts and desktop appearance etc.
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