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LFS201 Lab 4.1

Hello, my mane is Bertrand and I am new in Linux.
I am trying to run signals.c, but I think that I have to download the exe file to be able to run the program.
gcc sends an error message as I launch: gcc -o signals signals.c
Can someone help me with that. I am working both on Windows and Mac and I have Centos7 and Centos8 running on VirtualBox and on VMware.
Thank you for your help


  • coop
    coop Posts: 916

    assuming you have gcc installed, how did you download the file? You have to make sure it came as pure text etc, or you can use the file that is attached directly.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,253

    Hi @Bertpuit ,

    Can you do "cat signals.c" to ensure you are working with the source code? Also please provide a screenshot with the error. And be sure to run the command on a Linux box (a virtual guest will do ok).



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