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Exam Registration

The auto-generated emails are hard to navigate through what is important and what are the next steps.

I entered in my voucher for the CKA but I can seem to actually register for the exam.

I also need to register for the LFCA exam too, but I don't know how to navigate to that specific place it wants me to go.


  • DRpandaMD
    DRpandaMD Posts: 17

    @luisviveropena or any other Mods?

    I sent an email over to certificationsupport@linuxfoundation.org.

    Its been a couple of days.

    Any solid instructions on how to do this on the new platform.

  • I have the same issue, registered for CKA via the voucher code but it does not appear on my dashboard. No response from the certification support, have followed up twice already.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Thank you for your patience while the support team is working on resolving the issues. They will follow up with you.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,260

    Hi @DRpandaMD , I don't see these kind of questions/issues. As Flavia has indicated, the support team is working on the issue.

    Many regards,

  • DRpandaMD
    DRpandaMD Posts: 17


    Thank you for the responses. Will communication be sent out once the support team they figure out the next steps?

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    Yes, they will respond to you via email.

  • daretogo
    daretogo Posts: 1

    I signed up the last day the bootcamp was on discount, and just re-read through my registration link today finding that I needed to use the CKA coupon code within a month. I did so, and the registered "course" to schedule the CKA exam appeared promptly in my portal.

    Just wanted to share that at least for me, the issues seem to be resolved.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    @daretogo That is great news! Thank you for your patience. And good luck!

  • @DRpandaMD I have the same issue, waiting for an answer.

  • ahmedzaidi
    ahmedzaidi Posts: 16

    me too

  • z4yeast
    z4yeast Posts: 2

    I have the issue as well. Have not heard from support.

  • I cannot see any update on my portal about the CKA Voucher Applied. Not sure how to register for the exam when nothing is showing on my portal. Recieved an email saying thanks for registering for CKA Exam but that directs me to the portal to schedule the exam where there is nothing to schedule from.
    Have emailed certificationsupport@linuxfoundation.org

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,223

    @Senthil_Rajendran The support team will assist you. Thank you for your patience.

  • z4yeast
    z4yeast Posts: 2

    FYI Support helped me with my issue and it is now resolved. I figure it's best to give them a few days to catch up on all their tickets and they will eventually respond to everyone's.

  • Thank you fcionca will await help from the Support Team.
    Guess you are right z4yeast


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