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Important Notice: The New LF Training Platform is Live

Good News: The new LF Training Platform is now up and running!

When first launching your course, you’ll notice that your bookmark has been lost. Simply use the menu to manually advance to the last completed page in order to resume your course.

Thank you,
The Linux Foundation Training & Certification Team


  • jenkja
    jenkja Posts: 4

    Hi Flavia,
    I have been able to access my LFD259 course all way through the weekend, and I didn't notice any loss of bookmark.
    And there is no (to me) noticeable difference of the portal before and after the weekend
    Does this mean that I was just lucky not to notice the LF Training Platform change?
    Br, Jens

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    Hi Jens,

    It all depends on the course version you are using and the learning management system used. The LF learner dashboard is brand new and other processes have changed as well. The course look itself may be the same, just on a different LMS.

    Have a great day,


  • bkclements
    bkclements Posts: 14

    Looks like the new platform lost track of my progress., so I am starting at 0% at chapter 5

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    @bkclements We did advise in all the emails we sent prior to the migration, as well as in the forum post prior to the migration that progress and bookmarking will not be preserved during the migration. As long as you remember where you left off, progress does not really count towards completion - the completion criteria is different. Hope you are enjoying the course.

  • dipluz
    dipluz Posts: 7

    @fcioanca said:
    @bkclements We did advise in all the emails we sent prior to the migration, as well as in the forum post prior to the migration that progress and bookmarking will not be preserved during the migration. As long as you remember where you left off, progress does not really count towards completion - the completion criteria is different. Hope you are enjoying the course.

    I tried to to just go through all the subjects to complete my "progress", just so its nice to see the %. But its bugged and some big chapters won't complete no matter how manual I try to look through them. Is it possible to have a manual complete button?

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,206

    Progress and completion are two different things and they are not related. Progress on different pages (the checkmark) is marked based on the type of content - video vs text. For text based pages, you need to spend a min of 3s, while for videos, you need to watch min 75% of each video to get the checkmark.


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