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Loading training resources ISO as CD image in Linux

I'm trying to access the offline resources in CentOS-8.

I've used ISO files to create bootable/live USBs before, but I can't seem to figure out how to load this ISO as a disk image from within Linux.

I tried extracting Core-current.iso from LFS201_V2020-06-11_RESOURCES.tar and mounting using

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/iso
$ sudo mount -o loop /path/Core-current.iso /mnt/iso

This allows me to view the files in 'boot', however I can't load the content as a disk image.


  • I missed the memo about "Offline Resources" apparently, where are you seeing these?

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,204

    Please check the Course Resource page in the introductory chapter in LFS201.

    As more and more posts are added in this forum, please use the search functionality to see if your specific questions have already been asked and answered, to avoid unnecessary duplication.



    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • I was able to load the core.iso at work on hyper-V/linux setup after unzipping the file via windows 10, I attached an image

    from what I can tell it is just an empty shell, that you can use, but I am not 100% what they are for

    Can someone from LF Team elaborate? @fcioanca

    I only tried 1 of them .iso files

  • @chrisfeig did you try to load the ISO from VirtualBox GUI? what type of system are you using

    Unfortunately I haven't attempted to mount anything yet and run it via Linux CLI so I'm no help there yet, sorry

  • chrisfeig
    chrisfeig Posts: 32

    @blackbear710 said:
    I missed the memo about "Offline Resources" apparently, where are you seeing these?

    In the last session with Luis while I was sharing my screen, I thought I heard mention that the material didn't have to be accessed online. There's a section on Course Resources in the introductory chapter which doesn't refer to Offline Resources, but does contain a link to Course Resources (which I can see you're accessing above). These are the only "offline" Course Resources' I've come across.

    @fcioanca should have mentioned that I did a search of the forum and was unable to find an answer to this question about accessing course materials from the Course Resources (e.g. Core-current.iso) disk images.

    @blackbear710 said:
    @chrisfeig did you try to load the ISO from VirtualBox GUI? what type of system are you using

    Unfortunately I haven't attempted to mount anything yet and run it via Linux CLI so I'm no help there yet, sorry

    I did manage to load the ISO through VMBox with the same result - Linux Manjaro, with CentoOS-8 guest VM.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,253

    Hi guys,

    It seems they are very small Linux images:


    I don't think you will need them, as you already may have Ubuntu or CentOS.

    I'm gonna ask for these images anyway.


  • chrisfeig
    chrisfeig Posts: 32

    After giving it some more thought, I guess it doesn't make sense for the course to be available other than through the LMS as it could then easily be shared... :/

    @luisviveropena Is there a way to access course materials (chapters and labs), other than online through the LMS?

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,204

    No,course content is only accessible through the LMS. For lab exercises, you can download the pdf locally from within the course, and then do the labs without accessing the LMS.

  • chrisfeig
    chrisfeig Posts: 32

    Seems I was looking in the wrong place. The labs at least can be found under 'RESOURCES'->'FILES' in the actual LFS201 LMS. Screenshot attached.

    Makes sense that the chapters shouldn't be accessed any way other than through the online LMS.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,253

    Hi @chrisfeig , yeah, you can get a pdf file with all the labs, but not the rest of the content.

    Many regards,


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