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Lab 8.1: Connection time out error

When I run curl command, I always have a Connection timed out error, what is this error due to? And how can I solve it? Thank you very much!


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,419

    Hi @chiateleung,

    Have you encountered any similar errors in previous labs? Or did it just happen in Lab 8.1?

    Such timeouts may indicate a firewall blocking some connections. Are you on AWS? Have you opened the firewall to allow all ingress traffic?


  • Yup I am using AWS, and I doesn't see any timeout error in pervious lab, only see this error in lab 8.1. Do I need to set any firewall in add to allow ingress traffic? I use Mac and the firewall in disable on my Mac. Thank you so much!

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,419


    If you run the lab exercises on AWS then your workstation firewall should not be interfering.
    The Overview section of Lab 3 addresses some concerns around firewall rules when running in the cloud GCP or AWS.

    With no visibility into your infrastructure configuration and your cluster, it is hard to tell what causes the timeout. You can try running curl from your other node, and see whether it is successful.


  • Thank you Chris!
    When I run the cluster info, I can't see the "Metrics-server is running at ..." output as the lab, does it matter? Thanks!
    curl: (7) Failed to connect to k8smaster port 31528: Connection timed out


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