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LFCS practice exam questions

Please excuse me if it's posted in the wrong forum. I'll report elsewhere if necessary.

I'm going over the LFCS practice question and there are three questions in a row I don't quite understand http://puu.sh/FBRPK/1037c1d75a.png

  1. Pardon my ignorance but I don't quite understand what I have to do :( the last command can be run by anyone.
  2. Am I supposed to change the user's password without knowing it? I get the home directory thing.
  3. How can I practice on an imaginary broken 'devel' user that doesn't exist on my system. This actually seems like a good exercise but I don't understand how I can practice on it.

Thanks ahead!


  • coop
    coop Posts: 915

    I'm sorry but this is indeed not the right place to ask about exam questions, even sample ones (in general) It's ok to ask about topics, but we did not write either the exams or the practice exams, and even if we can give some possibilities, we don't want to create an impression we really know the intent, and we don't want to give bad information or mislead.

    This is not an exam preparation course, although after taking this and LFS101x you should be able to pass if you also do diligent other preparation. We keep a firewall between training and certification.

    Please contact the certification people and see if they can give you some help.

  • rogersjoshmac
    rogersjoshmac Posts: 8
    edited April 2020

    @coop said:
    I'm sorry but this is indeed not the right place to ask about exam questions, even sample ones (in general) It's ok to ask about topics, but we did not write either the exams or the practice exams, and even if we can give some possibilities, we don't want to create an impression we really know the intent, and we don't want to give bad information or mislead.

    This is not an exam preparation course, although after taking this and LFS101x you should be able to pass if you also do diligent other preparation. We keep a firewall between training and certification.

    Please contact the certification people and see if they can give you some help.

    Thanks for the response.

    Regarding the sub-forum, I'll gladly re-post at the appropriate place if you'd redirect me.

    I know you didn't come up with the question, no one holds grudge and all suggestions are welcome, even if they weren't what the original question intended. Unfortunately the certification support don't answer any of my questions regarding practice exam.

    I learned so much going through the questions I don't want to miss out on it. It gives me great confidence succeeding in the offical practice exam for the actual one I intend on doing.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,003

    There is no forum for exam-related questions or for sample exam questions. Sample exam questions are provided to give you an idea of what you can expect on the exam itself, but no support is provided should you have questions about the samples.

  • @fcioanca said:
    There is no forum for exam-related questions or for sample exam questions. Sample exam questions are provided to give you an idea of what you can expect on the exam itself, but no support is provided should you have questions about the samples.

    Thanks for the response, I understand.

    So far I've managed to work with the questions in there. So if possible, I would really appreciate just an idea of what are the steps on solving questions of this type.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,195

    Hi @rogersjoshmac ,

    I think you need to go through the course and practice. Do all the labs, and if you have any specific questions, I'll be happy to help (please open a new thread for each question if they are not much related).

    I think it's good to make questions in order to learn, not just to solve a test.


  • i was going to ask a similar question, but understanding the separation between the exam and the training, i will instead ask something slightly different: is there a condensed form of the training materials, maybe just an outline with the important commands and files grouped by chapter? it would make a good study guide, as even being separate both the exam and the training still nominally reflect real world enterprise linux usage.

  • coop
    coop Posts: 915

    I'm sure you can find such "cheat sheets" out there on the Internet, but we do not provide such a thing. In my experience such material is hard to keep up to date and tends to make students believe what is on the cheat sheet is all they need to know and that memorizing the commands is enough. I've been doing this for decades and I forget things all the time and I rely on both "man" and the "--help" option for most commands and utilities to remind me what is possible, and these two options are pretty reliable and up to date as they work on the actual system. Plenty of students have made notes and assembled such materials as they work through the course and that is a good practice.

    As I said, most of the subjects in this course have plenty of Internet documentation, and you can find such things for sure. Whether they are accurate or up to date is another question :)


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