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Section 05. Quiz: Duplicate questions present! 1 and 2. DIAGNOSTICS AND TROUBLESHOOTING: Knowledge

dmorgan Posts: 2
edited April 2020 in LFS272 Class Forum

Section 05. DIAGNOSTICS AND TROUBLESHOOTING: Knowledge Check: Section 5 Quiz
Question 5.1: TLS is a successor to SSL and is a secure method of network communication. True or False?
Question 5.2: TLS is a successor to SSL and is a secure method of network communication. True or False?


  • mstepien
    mstepien Posts: 473

    Hi dmorgan,

    Thank you for letting us know. It's been corrected.

    Best regards,
    The Linux Foundation Training Team

  • dmorgan
    dmorgan Posts: 2

    Wow awesome! Insane Productivity Detected. That was sooo fast. Thank you.


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