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How to get access the container page "thirdpage.org" or "www.example.com/" For Lab 10

I finished the Lab 10 and get to access the page "".
But I do not know how to get access the container page "thirdpage.org" or "www.example.com/" .


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,384

    Hi Wei,
    Steps 10 and 16 of the lab exercise are for verification to access both services running on your cluster.


  • zhangwe
    zhangwe Posts: 45

    Hi Chris,
    I have finished this Lab and everything is well. But we defined the Ingress is going to allow public to access the service inside the containers. My question is how could we get public access to the service "thirdpage.org" or "www.example.com/"



  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,384

    For that, you would need to register these domains, mapped to your backend services. They are used here for illustration purposes, but this can be achieved with two domains of your own instead.


  • zhangwe
    zhangwe Posts: 45

    OK. Thank you.


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