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Cryptsetup issue.


I went through the cryptsetup section and tried it out on a spare USB thumb drive. To reverse everything, after doing:

$ sudo cryptsetup --verbose luksClose SECRET

the thumb drive was still encrypted. Am I missing a step?

Also, I do not have a /etc/crypttab on my Kubuntu installation . Can i just create one in /etc?



  • lee42x
    lee42x Posts: 380

    Good morning, Once the thumb drive is encrypted you will have to "mkfs" to overwrite the encrypted partition, all information on the thumb drive will be destroyed.

    As for the /etc/crypttab, create the file and try the reboot. I don't currently have a Kubuntu distro but Ubuntu works as described.

  • coop
    coop Posts: 915

    As far as why you don't have /etc/crypttab, I did some investigation. on redhat-based systems this belongs to the systemd package and is installed at boot. On Ubuntu things are messy and it is created on a "post install" script and why you don't have it is beyond me. At any rate, the default file is empty anyway except for a couple of comments so you can just create it as needed.

  • Hi @WarrenUK ,

    I went through the cryptsetup section and tried it out on a spare USB thumb drive. To reverse everything, after doing:


    $ sudo cryptsetup --verbose luksClose SECRET


    the thumb drive was still encrypted. Am I missing a step?

    How are you testing if it's encrypted yet?

    Also, I do not have a /etc/crypttab on my Kubuntu installation . Can i just create one in /etc?

    I just did a testcase with Ubuntu 19.10 (I think for this purpose it won't be much different), and I got the /etc/crypttab file after installed cryptsetup. If you don't have that file, it may mean a problem (perhaps a small one). If you create it by hand, it won't hurt anyway.


  • WarrenUK
    WarrenUK Posts: 72

    I found the file. I thought it was a folder not a file.

    Anyway it is there on both my Ubuntu based systems.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,192

    Good. I hope the lab ended well for you :)



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