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Choose Date Certification CKA

Hi, I have a question, about certification CKA

When I want registry me to exam, I can choose the date?
The first step I can see that is the payment, but I can't see other chooses.



  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,205
    edited February 2020

    If you have already purchased the CKA certification, then you should be able to then schedule your exam on the day of your choosing, depending on availability. If you have not purchased yet the exam, you have to do so first. You then have 1 year from purchase date to schedule and take your exam. For any other questions related to the exam, please send an email to certificationsupport@linuxfoundation.org, and they will assist you. This forum is only for the LFS258 course, not for the exam.

  • thanks for your help,
    I´m renew my cluster and my firewall rules

  • CharcoGreen
    CharcoGreen Posts: 5
    edited February 2020

    jaja Sorry this reploy not is to here.

    Thanks for you answer.


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