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Hi, my name is Joe. I've been using Linux for about 7 years.

Over time I've figured how to use some of the applications on my own, like Gimp, Firefox, VLC Player and a few music editing apps. The music apps were pretty much useless for what I want to do, unless it's because I didn't give them a chance. I've also run into problems along the way. If I get into any specifics right now, this will turn into a 20 page essay. I can't even tell you which version I'm using. I started with Linux when the company my brother in law works for was updating all of their equipment and trashing the old stuff. Well he got the OK to take one home if he deleted any info related to his work, aside from the application that were installed. Right now I'm trying to install Firefox, but I don't have a clue where to unzip the file so they work correctly. I install it works, but when I quit it never starts again. So I delete and install again. I really hate typing too. Is there a number I could call to talk to a live person? Anyway it's getting late so I'll stop here. It might be a couple days before I come back to this site, but I will be back! Thanks


  • janiya89
    janiya89 Posts: 9

    Wow,that’s cool

  • What's wrong with you people? Why can't anybody answer my questions? Where do I unzip my Firefox application so it will work correct and show up in the popup launcher and in plain english so I can understand it? I've posted this question for over two years. Is there anyone on here that really wants to help and not for just social media. Social media sucks, get up off your butts, put some pants on and go out into the world and actually be social, live, in person. God, so what if you have thousands of friends on your computers or phones. Could you really count on any of these people if you really did need a friend!! How many of you can write a correct sentence without using abbreviations or for that matter do math with paper and pencil. I don't think schools teach handwriting or how to correctly address a letter anymore.


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