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Getting unexpected result in Sonobuoy run command( end-to-end testing in Kubernetes using sonobuoy)

I have installed sonobuoy plugin in ubuntu 18.04 and tried the run command to get the result of Kubernetes end to end(or conformance) test.
Issue: we are getting the status as unknown and total count as 0 and so on.
ubuntu@masternode:~$sonobuoy run
ubuntu@masternode:~$ results=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
ubuntu@masternode:~$ sonobuoy results $results
Plugin: e2e
Status: unknown
Total: 0
Passed: 0
Failed: 0
Skipped: 0

When we try the dryrun, we get the details as shown in the below.

ubuntu@masternode:~$sonobuoy run --plugin-env e2e.E2E_FOCUS=pods --plugin-env e2e.E2E_DRYRUN=true
ubuntu@masternode:~$ results=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
ubuntu@masternode:~/bin$ sonobuoy results $results
Plugin: e2e
Status: passed
Total: 4413
Passed: 354
Failed: 0
Skipped: 4059

Reference: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/sonobuoy
Can anyone help us to fix this issue? or Share other ways to do end-to-end test in Kubernetes.


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,386

    Hi @ChandrasekaranRamachandran,

    A full sonobuoy e2e conformance test is known to take close to 1 hour, or even more in some cases.
    How soon after the sonobuoy run command did you attempt to pull the test results?

    Once you started the e2e test, what were the outputs produced at Steps 3-7 of lab exercise 8.2? Did you notice anything different than the outputs presented in the exercise?


  • ChandrasekaranRamachandran
    edited January 2020

    I have waited and try the command. Please find below the details and attached file for more details.
    ubuntu@masternode:~$ sonobuoy run--wait
    Running plugins: e2e, systemd-logs
    INFO[0000] created objectname=sonobuoy namespace= resource=namespaces
    INFO[0000] created objectname=sonobuoy-serviceaccount namespace=sonobuoy resource=serviceaccounts
    INFO[0000] created objectname=sonobuoy-serviceaccount-sonobuoy namespace= resource=clusterrolebindings
    INFO[0000] created objectname=sonobuoy-serviceaccount namespace= resource=clusterroles
    INFO[0000] created objectname=sonobuoy-config-cm namespace=sonobuoy resource=configmaps
    INFO[0000] created objectname=sonobuoy-plugins-cm namespace=sonobuoy resource=configmaps
    INFO[0001] created objectname=sonobuoy namespace=sonobuoy resource=pods
    INFO[0001] created objectname=sonobuoy-master namespace=sonobuoy resource=services

    ubuntu@masternode:~$ sonobuoy status

    Sonobuoy has completed. Use sonobuoy retrieve to get results.

    ubuntu@masternode:~$ results=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
    ubuntu@masternode:~$ sonobuoy results $results
    Plugin: e2e
    Status: unknown
    Total: 0
    Passed: 0
    Failed: 0
    Skipped: 0

    Plugin: systemd-logs
    Status: passed
    Total: 10
    Passed: 10
    Failed: 0
    Skipped: 0

  • Please find attached the complete log file

  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,386

    Other than not getting the results values populated, from your outputs it seems that the test did run to completion. It would be interesting to see the results after a quick run, if they ever get returned or the logs.

    You may also use the status command to retrieve current state information of the test during its run:


  • Sonobuoy got crashed. I will re-installed and try again.
    sonobuoy sonobuoy 0/1 Error 0 7h44m


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