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Lab 5: Updating Anchor Peer Error

Hi Guys, I able to successfully create the channel transaction but able to update the channel

Command to create a channel transaction:

"../bin/configtxgen -profile OneOrgChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate
./config/changeanchorpeerorg1.tx -channelID allarewelcome -asOrg

Command to update the Channel Configuration:

peer channel update -o orderer.example.com:7050 -c allarewelcome \
-f ./config/changeanchorpeerorg1.tx

Error when updating the channel configuration in the cli container:

2019-10-28 01:41:11.194 UTC [main] InitCmd -> WARN 001 CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL is no longer supported, please use the FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC environment variable
2019-10-28 01:41:11.241 UTC [main] SetOrdererEnv -> WARN 002 CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL is no longer supported, please use the FABRIC_LOGGING_SPEC environment variable
2019-10-28 01:41:11.244 UTC [channelCmd] InitCmdFactory -> INFO 003 Endorser and orderer connections initialized
Error: got unexpected status: BAD_REQUEST -- Consortium config value missing

orderer.example.com logs:

peer1.org1.example.com LOGS



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