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Wifi driver Acer Aspire A515-54

gdlb Posts: 2

I installed linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon on a new laptop Acer Aspire A515-54 (ref. NX.HMDEF.001).

There is no "wifi" option in the network utilitary. I tested my computer with ubuntu18
04 and fedora 30 live usb and the problem was the same on these distributions.

I couldn't clearly identify the wifi card model form lspci as no item is labelled "wifi". There is however a

Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:02f0]
Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:0074]

Here is the result of the Wireless Info Script .

If it can help, i put herewith a screenshot from the windows-driver corresponding to that computer from acer's website.

As the computer is quite new, the drivers might still be under developpment. Is there a way to install beta drivers ?

English is not my mothertongue so I can try to explain better if something isn't clear.


  • gdlb
    gdlb Posts: 2

    I cannot edit my post but it was fixed by upgrading linux kernel to 5.3.0-19-generic


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