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havin issues with Rsync and Spaces in folder names

hi so I been running rsync for several months doing spaces and it worked but if its a Root folder.. but when I did a sub folder spaces it messs up
but i also been running this in Unraid but i couldnt get the help i truly wanted i figure i ask here....

so if I do

rsync -avzu --stats --numeric-ids --progress -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -T -o Compression=no -x" /mnt/user/DJ\ Stuff/ root@backupserver:/mnt/user/DJ\ Stuff/

so my Root Folder is "DJ Stuff" and it copies to the backupserver "DJ Stuff" root folder fine


when I do

rsync -avzu --stats --numeric-ids --progress -e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -T -o Compression=no -x" /mnt/user/Videos/Home\ Videos/ root@backupserver:/mnt/user/Videos/Home\ Videos/

It Copies "Home Videos" under the Videos Root folder from the main server... but when I tell it to copy to the backup server "Videos\Home Videos" it doesn't do it... it actually does "\Videos\Home" so its not adding that space... is there a different way you need to write it when there is a specific directory that has spaces that isn't the root folder name

so to summerize

DJ Stuff ===> DJ Stuff (copies fine)

Videos\Home Videos ====> Videos\Home Videos (does not copy fine) it does instead Videos\Home Videos =====> Videos\Home

I only noticed this as I doing a specific folder... where as my other rysncs I just sync the Root Folder names


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