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Lab 3 - ERROR: bad proposal response 500: access denied for [JoinChain][allarewelcome]

I am getting bad proposal and access denied when I run the below:

peer channel join -b allarewelcome.block

Error message:

Endorser and orderer connections initialized
Error: proposal failed (err: bad proposal response 500: access denied for [JoinChain][allarewelcome]: [Failed verifying that proposal's creator satisfies local MSP principal during channelless check policy with policy [Admins]: [This identity is not an admin]])

I followed all steps but it's still failing. Please any idea how to make this work??


  • indirajith
    indirajith Posts: 45
    edited June 2019

    Hi Paul, I hope this error is after restarting the peers. If so, me too got the same error. You need to set the identification path of both the peers to the admin of Org1. This step is explained in Lab 2.
    export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/Admin@ ​org1.example.com/msp

    Next, we need to pull the genesis block for the current channel we would like to append our peer to.
    peer channel fetch oldest ​allarewelcome ​. ​block ​ - ​c ​ ​allarewelcome -- ​orderer ​ ​orderer.example.com:7050.

    Before joining the channel go to Lab 2 and issue the above two commands within the peers. Then join the channel. Hope it helps!

  • Hi indirajith, Thanks. It worked!

  • eecszc
    eecszc Posts: 11

    @indirajith said:
    Hi Paul, I hope this error is after restarting the peers. If so, me too got the same error. You need to set the identification path of both the peers to the admin of Org1. This step is explained in Lab 2.
    export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/Admin@ ​org1.example.com/msp

    Next, we need to pull the genesis block for the current channel we would like to append our peer to.
    peer channel fetch oldest ​allarewelcome ​. ​block ​ - ​c ​ ​allarewelcome -- ​orderer ​ ​orderer.example.com:7050.

    Before joining the channel go to Lab 2 and issue the above two commands within the peers. Then join the channel. Hope it helps!

    Hi, after solving this identification problem. when i try the command below:

    peer channel join -b allarewelcome.block

    i got this error

    Error: Failed sending proposal, got rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing

    Can you help me out?


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